Tag: Traffic Lights

ISO9001, ISO14001,IS45001 audits underway at TMO.

Audit season is upon us again at TMO with BSI undertaking our recertification for our Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety for 2024/2025. 

 We have been busy managing and improving our integrated systems all year round and we welcome the auditors into the business and embrace and opportunities for improvements that they can give us. Our integrated management system is at the heart of our traffic management business and the data that we capture and monitor allow us to make TMO a better place, whether that be turning up on time to planned works, emergency works and manual controls, monitoring our traffic light breakdowns, the accuracy of our CAD plans, our weekly van idle times, our recycling performance or our accident and absence stats, the system has been crafted to provide quality information that key decisions can be made from. 

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Temporary traffic light fleet increases at TMO Highways

Last week saw us increase our fleet of cutting edge Nissen traffic lights by a further 20, as phase one of our planned growth for 2024 took place. 

The demand for intelligent signals is on the increase within the marketplace and after speaking with our key clients it became clear that this trend would continue in 2024. The directors and owners have a plan in place to see us expand our traffic light fleet in regards to the Nissen signals to ensure we can stay ahead of demand.

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Workforce Increases

Welcome Traffic Management East Anglia New Starters

We would like to offer a big TMO welcome to our recent new starters who have joined our ranks to further bolster our staffing numbers throughout East Anglia.

Our recent performance levels and continued commitment to excellence has enabled us to branch into new areas for a number of existing clients who have seen what we can offer first hand and wish to engage our services further afield. We are finding site agents recommending us to their colleagues who then reach out to TMO having experienced service failures from their existing traffic management suppliers. 

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Our Industry Accreditations

ISO39001 Road Traffic Safety

National Highways Sector Schemes

National highways Sector Schemes

ConstructionLine Gold

Construction Line Logo

BSI ISO 9001, 14001, 45001

BSI Logo

Alcumus SafeContractor

Alcumus Logo

Achilles UBVD

Achilles UVDB

Acclaim SSIP

SSIP Acclaim Accreditation

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials

Armed Forces Covenant

Armed Forces Covenant Logo

Mental Health First Aiders

Mental Health First Aider

Traffic Management Contractors Association

Sustainability School Bronze